Monroe County |
Comprehensive Plan |
GOAL 1401 |
Objective 1401.1
Monroe County shall provide the capital improvements necessary to correct existing deficiencies, to accommodate projected future growth, and to replace obsolete and worn-out facilities, in accordance with an adopted Capital Improvements Program. [F.S. § 163.3177(3)(a)1.]
Policy 1401.1.1
Monroe County shall update annually the existing County Capital Improvements Program to incorporate the improvements identified in the Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements Table 4.1. [F.S. § 163.3177(3)(a)5.(b)]
Policy 1401.1.2
Monroe County shall annually update the Comprehensive Plan Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements. Proposed revisions to the Schedule, including those addressing the replacement and renewal of capital facilities, shall be evaluated and updated in accordance with the following considerations (not listed in order of priority):
consistency with the relevant elements of the Comprehensive Plan;
the elimination of public hazards;
consider sea level rise projections as they relate to transportation and bridging projects in particular;
the County's need for financial expenditures for infrastructure improvements within or proximate to vulnerable areas;
the elimination of existing deficiencies;
financial feasibility including the impact on the annual operating and capital budgets;
the location in relation to the Future Land Use Map;
accommodation of the demands from redevelopment and new development;
the consistency of the improvement relative to the plans of state agencies and the South Florida Water Management District; and
the availability of other revenue sources including, but not limited to, FDOT Project funding and FDOT Traffic Operations funds from District Dedicated Revenue (DDR) sources.
Revisions to the schedule shall be incorporated into the Capital Improvements Program on an annual basis. [F.S. § 163.3177(3)(a)5.(b)]
Policy 1401.1.3
Capital improvement projects required to correct existing facility deficiencies shall receive priority over those projects required to serve future development. [F.S. § 163.3177(3)(a)1.]
Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements Table
Fiscal Year 2017—2021TRANSPORTATION (Policies 301.1.1 and 301.1.2) Road & Bridge Projects Project Project
As of 9/30/16
FY 2017
FY 2018
FY 2019
FY 2020
FY 2021
Florida Department of Transportation Card Sound Road Bridge #904990 Over Intracoastal Water Bridge-Repair/Rehab. 230,597 - - - - - 230,597 Garrison Bight Bridge 904025 Palm Ave & N. Roosevelt Bridge-Repair/Rehab. 1,627,354 70,274 1,697,628 Monroe County Southard Street Resurfacing - 1,004,409 - - - - 1,004,409 Monroe County SCOP Contingency Small Outreach Program Resurfacing 1,000 296,380 297,380 Monroe County DDR Arterial Reserve Funding Action - - 2,280,194 - - - 2,280,194 Monroe County Long Range Transportation Plan Planning Model - 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 -
1,200,000 Monroe County Lower Keys Scenic Highway Viewing Area Wayside Park 903,000 903,000 Monroe County Public Information - Dist 6 Construction Office Public Info/
200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 -
800,000 Monroe County Traffic Signal Maint/Operations Traffic Signals 115,276 128,504 84,390 87,484 90,984 -
506,638 Monroe County DDR Resurface Contingency Resurfacing 9,954 -
9,954 Monroe Countywide DDR Misc Construction 461,428 -
500,000 1,289,857 -
2,251,285 Monroe Countywide Lighting Maintenance 46,314 47,704 49,135 50,610 46,726 -
240,489 Monroe County Resurfacing Target (RURL) Resurfacing -
6,173,000 -
6,173,000 Monroe Countywide Traffic Operations Traffic Ops
Improve1,100,009 -
1,156,806 -
2,256,815 Pigeon Key Ferry Service Water Taxi 250,000 250,000 250,000 -
750,000 SR 5 MM 19.79 to MM 20.66 Resurfacing 60,000 1,538,169 264,000 SR 5 MM 23.12 to MM 25.4 Resurfacing 76,796 3,276,395 -
3,353,191 SR 5 MM 90.8 to MM 97 Landscaping 20,536 -
20,536 SR 5 MM 97 to MM 99.6 Landscaping 21,563 -
21,563 SR 5 MM 99.6 to MM 106.3 Landscaping 26,667 -
26,667 SR 5 MM 4.5 to MM 9.8 Resurfacing 10,961 -
10,961 SR 5 7 Mile Bridge Over Moser Channel Bridge Repair Bridge-Repair/Rehab. 13,253,312 -
13,253,312 SR5 Hrt Trl-Vistas at Various Locations Bike Path / Trail 1,108,375 -
1,108,375 SR 5 Hrt Trl Kemp Channel Bridge Bike Path / Trail 66,463 -
66,463 SR 5 From S. Roosevelt Blvd to S. of Mac Donald Sidewalk 71,260 -
71,260 SR 5 Over Niles Channel Niles Channel Bridge Repair Bridge-Repair/Rehab. 239,296 -
239,296 SR 5 Over Boca Chica Channel Bridge #900003 & 900074 Repair Bridge-Repair/Rehab. 105,517 -
105,517 SR A1A/S. Roosevelt Bertha St. to End of Smathers Beach Pavement Reconstruct 19,057 -
19,057 Subtotal - FDOT 19,824,735 6,815,455 4,880,905 7,311,094 1,927,567 -
40,759,756 Revenues - FDOT 19,824,735 6,815,455 4,880,905 7,311,094 1,927,567 -
40,759,756 Monroe County Road Paving Program 22,000,000 1,500,000 4,000,000 4,500,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 -
20,500,000 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 3,500,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 -
18,000,000 102 - Fuel Tax 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000 Total Revenues 4,000,000 4,500,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 -
20,500,000 Lake Surprise Estates Paving 3,344,172 2,262,383 1,081,789 -
1,081,789 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 1,081,789 -
1,081,789 Sexton Cove Paving 1,429,511 143,889 1,285,622 -
1,285,622 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 1,285,622 -
1,285,622 Stock Island I 3,504,770 274,035 3,230,735 -
3,230,735 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 3,230,735 -
3,230,735 Stock Island II 2,450,000 2,450,000 -
2,450,000 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 2,450,000 -
2,450,000 1 Street/Bertha 2,535,945 2,535,945 -
2,535,945 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 2,535,945 -
2,535,945 Truman Bridge-Replacement 2,160,480 270,480 -
1,640,000 -
884,520 2,524,520 Revenues -
304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 960,480 960,480 130 - Roadways Impact Fees -
679,250 679,250 Total Revenues -
1,639,730 -
1,639,730 US 1 Bayside Bike/Shared Use Path 2,251,042 2,327,491 620,199 -
620,199 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 620,199 -
620,199 Key Largo/Burton Drive Road 2,160,000 -
1,060,000 1,100,000 -
2,160,000 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 1,060,000 1,100,000 -
2,160,000 Sustainability-Roads 425,000 425,000 -
425,000 Revenues 130 - Roadways Impact Fees 425,000 425,000 Garrison Bight Bridge Repair 1,792,438 1,371,641 420,797 -
420,797 Revenues 125 - State Grants 420,797 -
420,797 Sugarloaf Blvd Bridge 2,225,224 2,089,948 135,276 -
135,276 Revenues 102 - Fuel Tax 135,276 -
135,276 Subtotal - Monroe County 46,278,582 10,239,867 17,245,363 7,240,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 884,520 37,369,883 Total Road & Bridge Projects 37,070,098 14,055,455 8,880,905 11,311,094 5,927,567 884,520 77,245,119 Mass Transit Project FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 Unfunded Total FDOT No Projects Monroe County No Projects Ports Project FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 Unfunded Total FDOT No Projects Monroe County No Projects Aviation Project Project
As of 9/30/16
FY 2017
FY 2018
FY 2019
FY 2020
FY 2021
Marathon Airport Sewer Laterals - AQ606 - GAMD69 Aviation
Preservation315,033 309,420 5,613 5,613 Revenues 403 - Operating Revenues 3,323 3,323 403 - State Grants 2,290 2,290 Total Revenues 5,613 5,613 Sewer Laterals - 44-31 - AQE35 - GAMA75 Aviation
Preservation685,070 155,105 529,965 529,965 Revenues 403 - Operating Revenues 112,059 112,059 403 - Federal Grants 97,207 97,207 403 - State Grants 320,699 320,699 Total Revenues 529,965 529,965 CBP (Customs) Ph. 2 - AQH10 - GAMD72 Aviation Rev/Ops 500,000 402,458 97,542 97,542 Customs Expansion - AQE35 - GAMD73 Aviation Rev/Ops 1,300,000 1,279,428 20,572 20,572 Total Project Expenditures 1,800,000 1,681,886 118,114 118,114 Revenues 403 - Operating Revenues 59,057 59,057 403 - State Grants 59,057 59,057 Total Revenues 118,114 118,114 Construction of 11 Replacement Hangars ARK80 - GAMD75 Aviation Rev/Ops 3,525,500 436,915 3,088,585 3,088,585 Revenues 403 - Operating Revenues 617,717 617,717 403 - State Grants 2,470,868 2,470,868 Total Revenues 3,088,585 3,088,585 Obstructions Removal RPZ/RW25 - AQE35 - GAMD76 Aviation Safety 18,750 0 18,750 18,750 Obstruction Removal RPZ/RW25 - 44-34 - GAMA79 144,055 0 144,055 144,055 Total Project Expenditures 162,805 0 162,805 162,805 Revenues 403 - Federal Grants 144,055 144,055 403 - State Grants 15,000 15,000 406 - PFC Revenue 3,750 3,750 Total Revenues 162,805 162,805 Essential Airport Equipment - GOE76 - GAMD77 Aviation Safety 482,500 0 482,500 482,500 Revenues 403 - Operating Revenues 96,500 96,500 403 - State Grants 386,000 386,000 Total Revenues 482,500 482,500 Master Plan Phase 1 - 44-35 & GOE41 - GAMA80 Aviation
Preservation715,085 0 715,085 715,085 Revenues 403 - Operating Revenues 15,000 15,000 403 - Federal Grants 640,085 640,085 403 - State Grants 60,000 60,000 Total Revenues 715,085 715,085 Environmental Assessment - GOE44 - GAMA81 Aviation Safety 562,659 0 562,659 562,659 Revenues 403 - Operating Revenues 43,291 43,291 403 - Federal Grants 449,368 449,368 403 - State Grants 70,000 70,000 Total Revenues 562,659 562,659 Planning Studies - AQE35 - GAMD71 Aviation
Preservation605,000 414,223 36,201 154,576 190,777 Revenues 403 - Operating Revenues 7,240 30,915 38,155 403 - State Grants 28,961 123,661 152,622 Total Revenues 36,201 154,576 190,777 Planning Studies - GOI22 - GAMD79 (FY17/FY18) Aviation
Preservation500,000 0 250,000 250,000 500,000 Revenues 403 - Operating Revenues 50,000 50,000 100,000 403 - State Grants 200,000 200,000 400,000 Total Revenues 250,000 250,000 500,000 Airport Carwash Facility - GOE88 - GAMD78 Aviation Rev/Ops 625,000 0 0 625,000 625,000 Revenues 403 - Operating Revenues 125,000 125,000 403 - State Grants 500,000 500,000 Total Revenues 625,000 625,000 Land Acquisition Aviation Rev/Ops 1,875,000 0 1,875,000 1,875,000 Revenues 403 - Operating Revenues 375,000 375,000 403 - State Grants 1,500,000 1,500,000 Total Revenues 1,875,000 1,875,000 Airport Buildings and Security Improvements Aviation Rev/Ops 162,265 0 162,265 162,265 Revenues 403 - Operating Revenues 32,453 32,453 403 - State Grants 129,812 129,812 Total Revenues 162,265 162,265 New Storage/Maintenance Building Aviation Rev/Ops 500,000 0 500,000 500,000 Revenues 403 - Operating Revenues 100,000 100,000 403 - State Grants 400,000 400,000 Total Revenues 500,000 500,000 Environmental Permitting Aviation Safety 600,000 0 600,000 600,000 Revenues 403 - Operating Revenues 12,000 12,000 403 - Federal Grants 48,000 48,000 403 - State Grants 540,000 540,000 Total Revenues 600,000 600,000 Terminal Expansion Aviation Rev/Ops 2,201,101 0 2,201,101 2,201,101 403 - Operating Revenues 1,760,881 1,760,881 403 - State Grants 440,220 440,220 Total Revenues 4,402,203 4,402,203 Rental Carwash Facility Aviation Rev/Ops 312,500 0 312,500 312,500 403 - Operating Revenues 250,000 250,000 403 - State Grants 62,500 62,500 Total Revenues 625,000 625,000 Runway 7-25 Rehab Ph. 2 - Design Aviation
Preservation500,000 0 500,000 500,000 Revenues 403 - Operating Revenues 10,000 10,000 403 - Federal Grants 450,000 450,000 403 - State Grants 40,000 40,000 Total Revenues 500,000 500,000 Runway 7-25 Rehab Ph. 2 - Construction Aviation
Preservation3,000,000 0 3,000,000 3,000,000 Revenues 403 - Operating Revenues 60,000 60,000 403 - Federal Grants 2,700,000 2,700,000 403 - State Grants 240,000 240,000 Total Revenues 3,000,000 3,000,000 Construction 11 Replacement Hangars Aviation Rev/Ops 583,939 0 583,939 583,939 403 - Operating Revenues 467,151 467,151 403 - State Grants 116,788 116,788 Total Revenues 1,167,878 1,167,878 AWOS Relocation Aviation
Preservation250,000 0 250,000 250,000 403 - Operating Revenues 200,000 200,000 403 - State Grants 50,000 50,000 Total Revenues 500,000 500,000 Fuel Farm Relocation Aviation Rev/Ops 1,200,000 0 1,200,000 1,200,000 403 - Operating Revenues 960,000 960,000 403 - State Grants 240,000 240,000 Total Revenues 2,400,000 2,400,000 Taxiway Rehab. & Lighting/New Taxiway Connector Aviation
Preservation370,000 0 370,000 370,000 403 - Operating Revenues 296,000 296,000 403 - State Grants 74,000 74,000 Total Revenues 740,000 740,000 Misc. Planning Studies Aviation
Preservation375,000 0 375,000 375,000 403 - Operating Revenues 75,000 75,000 403 - State Grants 300,000 300,000 Total Revenues 750,000 750,000 Runway 7-25 Rehab Ph. 3 - Design Aviation
Preservation750,000 0 750,000 750,000 Revenues 403 - Operating Revenues 15,000 15,000 403 - Federal Grants 675,000 675,000 403 - State Grants 60,000 60,000 Total Revenues 750,000 750,000 Drainage Study Aviation
Preservation276,480 0 276,480 276,480 Revenues 403 - Operating Revenues 46,080 46,080 403 - State Grants 230,400 230,400 Total Revenues 276,480 276,480 Pavement Evaluation and Maint. Program Aviation
Preservation343,750 0 343,750 343,750 Revenues 403 - Operating Revenues 68,750 68,750 403 - State Grants 275,000 275,000 Total Revenues 343,750 343,750 Design and Construct Hangars Aviation Rev/Ops 1,835,520 0 1,835,520 1,835,520 Revenues 403 - Operating Revenues 305,920 305,920 403 - State Grants 1,529,600 1,529,600 Total Revenues 1,835,520 1,835,520 Total Marathon Airport 25,114,207 2,997,549 5,951,527 4,166,841 3,013,601 5,778,939 3,205,750 0 22,116,659 Key West International Airport KW Planning Studies AQE35 - GAKD128 Aviation Rev/Ops 1,576,400 1,382,576 193,824 193,824 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 96,912 96,912 404 - State Grants 96,912 96,912 Total Revenues 193,824 193,824 KW CUSTOMS - AQH10 - GAKD129 Aviation Rev/Ops 1,119,148 160,673 958,475 958,475 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 479,238 479,238 404 - State Grants 479,238 479,238 Total Revenues 958,475 958,475 Customs Rehab. Ph. 2 - 37-47 - AQE35 - GAKA156 Aviation Safety 700,922 75,857 625,065 625,065 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 3,793 31,253 31,253 404 - Federal Grants 68,272 562,558 562,558 404 - State Grants 3,793 31,253 31,253 Total Revenues 75,857 625,065 625,065 Drainage Reconstruction 37-47 - AQE35 - GAKA158 Aviation Safety 577,200 471,991 105,209 105,209 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 23,600 5,260 5,260 404 - Federal Grants 424,792 94,688 94,688 404 - State Grants 23,600 5,260 5,260 Total Revenues 471,991 105,209 105,209 EMAS RNWY 27 Construction 37-47 - AQE35 - GAKAP143 Aviation Safety 4,519,225 4,430,147 89,079 89,079 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 221,507 4,454 4,454 404 - Federal Grants 3,987,132 80,171 80,171 404 - State Grants 221,507 4,454 4,454 Total Revenues 4,430,147 89,079 89,079 Master Plan Study 37-51 - GO562 - GAKAP144 Aviation
Preservation864,955 293,845 571,110 571,110 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 28,556 28,556 404 - Federal Grants 513,999 513,999 404 - State Grants 28,556 28,556 Total Revenues 571,110 571,110 Rehab. Apron - Design - 37-49 - AQE35 - GAKAP145 Aviation
Preservation265,485 261,353 4,132 4,132 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 207 207 404 - Federal Grants 3,719 3,719 404 - State Grants 207 207 Total Revenues 4,132 4,132 Drainage Ph. 2 & 3 - Design - 37-49 - AQE35 - GAKAP146 Aviation
Preservation246,900 240,949 5,951 5,951 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 298 298 404 - Federal Grants 5,356 5,356 404 - State Grants 298 298 Total Revenues 5,951 5,951 Wetlands Mitigation - Monitoring GAKAP147 Aviation
Preservation500,000 44,900 455,100 455,100 Revenues 406 - PFC Revenue 455,100 455,100 Total Revenues 455,100 455,100 Security & Misc. Fence Improvements - GO553 - GAKD134 Aviation Safety 555,480 86,834 468,646 468,646 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 234,323 234,323 404 - State Grants 234,323 234,323 Total Revenues 468,646 468,646 Noise Mitigation Measures Initial Testing 37-50 - GAKA160 Aviation
Preservation584,261 584,211 50 50 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 5 5 404 - Federal Grants 45 45 Total Revenues 50 50 Noise Insulation Prgm. Phase 1 Design 37-52 GAKA161 Aviation
Preservation1,427,501 0 1,427,501 1,427,501 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 142,750 142,750 404 - Federal Grants 1,284,751 1,284,751 Total Revenues 1,427,501 1,427,501 Drainage Phases 2 & 3 Construction 37-53 GOE45 - GAKAP149 Aviation
Preservation2,041,446 0 2,041,446 2,041,446 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 105,000 105,000 404 - Federal Grants 1,831,446 1,831,446 404 - State Grants 105,000 105,000 Total Revenues 2,041,446 2,041,446 Rehab. Runway 9-27 & Lighting Design 37-53 - GOE40 GAKA162 Aviation
Preservation677,803 0 677,803 677,803 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 34,000 34,000 404 - Federal Grants 609,803 609,803 404 - State Grants 34,000 34,000 Total Revenues 677,803 677,803 Baggage Handling System Upgrade - GAKAP150 Aviation Safety 450,000 0 450,000 450,000 Revenues 406 - PFC Revenue 450,000 450,000 Total Revenues 450,000 450,000 Emergency Alert System - GAKAP151 Aviation Safety 350,000 0 350,000 350,000 Revenues 406 - PFC Revenue 350,000 350,000 Total Revenues 350,000 350,000 KW Planning Studies - GOE77 - GAKD135 Aviation
Preservation600,000 0 600,000 600,000 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 300,000 300,000 404 - State Grants 300,000 300,000 Total Revenues 600,000 600,000 Essential Airport Equipment - GOE47 - GAKD136 Aviation Safety 1,400,000 0 700,000 700,000 1,400,000 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 350,000 350,000 700,000 404 - State Grants 350,000 350,000 700,000 Total Revenues 700,000 700,000 1,400,000 Strengthen/Rehab. Apron Construction 37-53 GOE46 - GAKAP148 Aviation
Preservation10,107,485 0 5,053,743 5,053,743 10,107,485 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 255,000 255,000 510,000 404 - Federal Grants 4,543,743 4,543,743 9,087,485 404 - State Grants 255,000 255,000 510,000 Total Revenues 5,053,743 5,053,743 10,107,485 KW Planning Studies Aviation
Preservation600,000 0 600,000 600,000 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 300,000 300,000 404 - State Grants 300,000 300,000 Total Revenues 600,000 600,000 Airport Buildings & Security Improvements Aviation Safety 460,000 0 460,000 460,000 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 230,000 230,000 404 - State Grants 230,000 230,000 Total Revenues 460,000 460,000 Photovoltaics Design GOI57 - GAKD138 Aviation
Preservation400,000 0 400,000 400,000 Revenues 404 - State Grants 20,000 20,000 406 - PFC Revenues 380,000 380,000 Total Revenues 400,000 400,000 Terminal Improvements - Construction Aviation Rev/Ops 260,000 0 260,000 260,000 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 130,000 130,000 404 - State Grants 130,000 130,000 Total Revenues 260,000 260,000 Customs Expansion Ph. 3 - AQH10 Aviation Safety 6,028,000 0 3,014,000 3,014,000 6,028,000 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 1,507,000 1,507,000 3,014,000 404 - State Grants 1,507,000 3,014,000 Total Revenues 3,014,000 3,014,000 6,028,000 NIP 1 Construction - Bldg. B & 3SF Aviation
Preservation7,200,000 0 3,600,000 3,600,000 7,200,000 Revenues 404 - Federal Grants 1,800,000 1,800,000 3,600,000 406 - PFC Revenue 1,800,000 1,800,000 3,600,000 Total Revenues 3,600,000 3,600,000 7,200,000 Runway Rehab & Lighting Construction Aviation Safety 8,750,000 0 4,375,000 4,375,000 8,750,000 Revenues 404 - Federal Grants 3,937,500 3,937,500 7,875,000 404 - State Grants 218,750 218,750 437,500 406 - PFC Revenue 218,750 218,750 437,500 Total Revenues 4,375,000 4,375,000 8,750,000 Terminal Improvements (Chillers/Photovoltaics) Construction Aviation
Preservation2,450,000 0 2,450,000 2,450,000 Revenues 404 - State Grants 122,500 122,500 406 - PFC Revenue 2,327,500 2,327,500 Total Revenues 2,450,000 2,450,000 Taxiway Rehab and Lighting - Design Aviation
Preservation550,000 0 550,000 550,000 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 27,500 27,500 404 - Federal Grants 495,000 495,000 404 - State Grants 27,500 27,500 Total Revenues 550,000 550,000 Rental Carwash Facility Aviation Rev/Ops 500,000 0 500,000 500,000 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 250,000 250,000 404 - State Grants 250,000 250,000 Total Revenues 500,000 500,000 Vehicle Fleet Upgrade and Conversion Aviation Rev/Ops 1,500,000 0 750,000 750,000 1,500,000 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 375,000 375,000 750,000 404 - State Grants 375,000 375,000 750,000 Total Revenues 750,000 750,000 1,500,000 Public Parking Expansion Aviation Rev/Ops 1,000,000 0 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 250,000 250,000 500,000 404 - State Grants 250,000 250,000 500,000 Total Revenues 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 Terminal Expansion and Rehab. Aviation Rev/Ops 2,000,000 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 404 - State Grants 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 Total Revenues 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 NIP 2 Construction - Bldg. C Aviation
Preservation9,000,000 0 4,500,000 4,500,000 9,000,000 Revenues 404 - Federal Grants 4,050,000 4,050,000 8,100,000 406 - PFC Revenue 450,000 450,000 900,000 Total Revenues 4,500,000 4,500,000 9,000,000 Taxiway Rehab and Lighting - Construction Aviation
Preservation6,500,000 0 3,250,000 3,250,000 6,500,000 Revenues 404 - Federal Grants 2,925,000 2,925,000 5,850,000 404 - Federal Grants 162,500 162,500 325,000 404 - State Grants 162,500 162,500 325,000 Total Revenues 3,250,000 3,250,000 6,500,000 Essential Airport Equipment Aviation Safety 100,000 0 100,000 100,000 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 50,000 50,000 404 - State Grants 50,000 50,000 Total Revenues 100,000 100,000 Runway Shoulder Widening Aviation Rev/Ops 630,000 0 630,000 630,000 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 315,000 315,000 404 - State Grants 315,000 315,000 Total Revenues 630,000 630,000 Misc. Planning Studies Aviation
Preservation800,000 0 800,000 800,000 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 400,000 400,000 404 - State Grants 400,000 400,000 Total Revenues 800,000 800,000 Rehab. & Expand Terminal Facilities Aviation Rev/Ops 3,273,698 0 1,636,849 1,636,849 3,273,698 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 818,425 818,425 1,636,849 404 - State Grants 818,425 818,425 1,636,849 Total Revenues 1,636,849 1,636,849 3,273,698 NIP 2 Construction - Bldg. A Aviation
Preservation6,900,000 0 3,450,000 3,450,000 6,900,000 Revenues 404 - Federal Grants 3,105,000 3,105,000 6,210,000 406 - PFC Revenue 345,000 345,000 690,000 Total Revenues 3,450,000 3,450,000 6,900,000 Pavement and Evaluation & Maintenance Program Aviation
Preservation600,000 0 600,000 600,000 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 300,000 300,000 404 - State Grants 300,000 300,000 Total Revenues 600,000 600,000 Essential Safety and Security Equipment Aviation Safety 100,000 0 100,000 100,000 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 50,000 50,000 404 - State Grants 50,000 50,000 Total Revenues 100,000 100,000 Land Use Planning/Development Aviation
Preservation250,000 0 250,000 250,000 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 125,000 125,000 404 - State Grants 125,000 125,000 Total Revenues 250,000 250,000 Perimeter Fencing and Patrol Road Aviation Safety 1,500,000 0 1,500,000 1,500,000 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 750,000 750,000 404 - State Grants 750,000 750,000 Total Revenues 1,500,000 1,500,000 Customs Expansion Aviation Safety 1,778,000 0 1,778,000 1,778,000 Revenues 404 - Operating Revenues 889,000 889,000 404 - State Grants 889,000 889,000 Total Revenues 1,778,000 1,778,000 Total Key West International Airport 90,193,910 8,033,335 14,777,134 18,462,743 24,489,000 16,616,849 7,814,849 82,160,574 Total-Aviation 115,308,117 11,030,884 20,728,661 22,629,584 27,502,601 22,395,788 11,020,599 104,277,233 Potable Water (Policy 701.1.1) Project Title Project
As of 9/30/16
FY 2017
FY 2018
FY 2019
FY 2020
FY 2021
Florida Keys Aquaduct Authority Distribution Replacement 9,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 9,000,000 Transmission main underneath Snake Creek 6,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 -
6,000,000 Transmission Main Improvements-C-905 Key Largo 9,000,000 3,000,000 6,000,000 -
9,000,000 Transmission Main Bridge Crossing Over C-111 1,800,000 1,800,000 -
1,800,000 Stock Island Pump Station Improvements 900,000 900,000 -
900,000 Marathon Service Building 2,000,000 -
1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 Chlorination System Improvements-Florida City 400,000 400,000 -
400,000 Pipe materials for near-term bridge failure 600,000 500,000 100,000 600,000 New Seawater Reverse Osmosis Plant-Stock Island 19,500,000 1,500,000 9,000,000 9,000,000 -
19,500,000 Transmission main under Niles Channel 7,500,000 -
1,000,000 6,500,000 -
7,500,000 Navy Projects Water mains, hydrants and meters-Sigsbee 1,650,000 -
550,000 550,000 550,000 1,650,000 Water mains, hydrants and meters-Boca Chica 550,000 550,000 -
550,000 Demo/Replace Storage Tank #69 Trumbo Point 550,000 550,000 -
550,000 Priority but Non-Critical Facilities Land Purchase -North & West of FL City WTP 3,000,000 -
3,000,000 -
3,000,000 Servers and Server Room-Florida City 250,000 -
250,000 -
250,000 Service Building -Ramrod booster pump station 225,000 -
200,000 25,000 225,000 Exhaust air treatment for large generators 175,000 125,000 50,000 175,000 Security systems for critical facilites 175,000 -
150,000 25,000 -
175,000 Total - FKAA 63,275,000 10,775,000 18,700,000 16,950,000 12,275,000 4,575,000 63,275,000 Revenues - FKAA 63,275,000 10,775,000 18,700,000 16,950,000 12,275,000 4,575,000 63,275,000 Monroe County Projects No Projects Total 63,275,000 -
10,775,000 18,700,000 16,950,000 12,275,000 4,575,000 63,275,000 Solid Waste (Policy 801.1.1) Project Title Project
As of 9/30/16
FY 2017
FY 2018
FY 2019
FY 2020
FY 2021
Renovation of Transf Stn Bldg-Cudjoe Transf Stn 334,000 -
334,000 -
334,000 Revenues 414 - MSD Fund Charges for Service 334,000 -
334,000 Renovation of Transf Stn Bldg-Long Key Transf Stn 333,000 -
333,000 -
333,000 Revenues 414 - MSD Fund Charges for Service 333,000 -
333,000 Renovation of Transf Stn Bldg-Key Largo Transf Stn 333,000 -
333,000 -
333,000 Revenues 414 - MSD Fund Charges for Service 333,000 -
333,000 Total 1,000,000 -
1,000,000 -
1,000,000 Sanitary Sewer (Policy 901.1.1) Project Title Project
As of 9/30/16
FY 2017
FY 2018
FY 2019
FY 2020
FY 2021
Florida Keys Aquaduct Authority Key Haven Collection System Improvements 8,400,000 -
4,400,000 4,000,000 -
8,400,000 Navy System upgrades for WW Pumping Systems 450,000 -
250,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 450,000 WW Privitazation-Big Coppitt Connection/Expansion 5,550,000 4,800,000 750,000 -
5,550,000 Layton (E & W Long Key) WW Collection Sys Expansion 800,000 -
800,000 -
800,000 Total - FKAA 15,200,000 -
9,450,000 5,550,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 15,200,000 Revenues - FKAA 15,200,000 -
9,450,000 5,550,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 15,200,000 Monroe County Projects Wastewater Upgrade to County Owned Facilities 1,158,007 257,164 900,843 -
900,843 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 900,843 -
900,843 Cudjoe Regional Wastewater System 187,000,000 137,798,051 28,014,096 21,187,853 -
49,201,949 Revenues 312 - Cudjoe Regional WW Capital Fund Cap Assessments -
125 - State Grants-Mayfield -
125 - Federal Grants-EPA Onsite Systems 1,300,000 1,300,000 -
2,600,000 312 - CWSRF-Loan 26,714,096 19,887,853 -
46,601,949 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax -
Total Revenues 28,014,096 21,187,853 -
49,201,949 Total 203,358,007 138,055,215 38,364,939 26,737,853 100,000 50,000 50,000 65,302,792 Drainage and Stormwater (Policy 1001.1.1) Project Title Project
As of 9/30/16
FY 2017
FY 2018
FY 2019
FY 2020
FY 2021
Florida Department of Transportation Countywide Drainage Push Button 2,359,674 10,000 616,200 10,000 596,733 -
1,232,933 Subtotal - FDOT 10,000 616,200 10,000 596,733 -
1,232,933 Revenues - FDOT 10,000 616,200 10,000 596,733 -
1,232,933 Monroe County Total 2,359,674 -
10,000 616,200 10,000 596,733 -
1,232,933 Parks and Recreation (Policy 1201.1.1) Project Title Project
As of 9/30/16
FY 2017
FY 2018
FY 2019
FY 2020
FY 2021
Higgs Beach Master Plan 3,475,339 333,723 1,033,920 1,000,000 1,107,696 -
3,141,616 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 1,033,920 1,000,000 1,107,696 -
3,141,616 -
Bernstein Park 5,323,356 348,568 3,831,670 1,143,118 -
4,974,788 Revenues 314 - Series 2014 Rev Bonds 3,831,670 1,143,118 -
4,974,788 Old Seven Mile Bridge 2,700,000 -
2,700,000 -
2,700,000 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 2,700,000 -
2,700,000 Big Pine Swimming Hole 2,025,725 17,150 108,575 1,900,000 -
2,008,575 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax (local match) 25,725 1,000,000 -
1,025,725 125 - State Grants 82,850 900,000 -
982,850 Total Project Revenues 108,575 1,900,000 -
2,008,575 Barcelona (Gulf View) Boat Ramp 186,877 180 185,757 -
185,757 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 185,757 -
185,757 State Road 4A Boat Ramp 154,293 97,121 57,172 -
57,172 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 57,172 -
57,172 Total 13,865,590 796,742 7,917,094 4,043,118 1,107,696 -
13,067,908 Land Development & Land Acquisition (Goal 105, Objectives 101.7 & 102.4) Project Title Project
As of 9/30/16
FY 2017
FY 2018
FY 2019
FY 2020
FY 2021
Monroe County Land Authority -
Land Acquisition-FI Keys ACSC 4,111,350 -
4,111,350 ROGO Reserves 4,095,873 -
4,095,873 Total 8,207,223 -
8,207,223 Revenues Tourist Impact Tax 1,520,000 1,520,000 State Park Surcharge 450,000 450,000 Monroe County Land Authority Fund Balance 6,237,223 6,237,223 Total Revenues 8,207,223 -
8,207,223 Monroe County Land Acquisition Match 10,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 10,000,000 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 10,000,000 Total 10,207,223 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 18,207,223 General Government Project Title Project
As of 9/30/16
FY 2017
FY 2018
FY 2019
FY 2020
FY 2021
General Government Function Projects Jefferson Browne Building Rehabilitation 4,539,312 88,930 1,500,000 2,943,982 -
4,443,982 Revenues 314 - 2014 Series Revenue Bonds 1,500,000 2,943,982 -
4,443,982 HHP Equipment Shed 34,465 12,065 22,400 -
22,400 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 22,400 -
22,400 Harvey Gov Center Painting & Repairs 317,825 120,105 197,720 -
197,720 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 197,720 -
197,720 Harvey Gov Center Nutritian Site 602,487 156,677 233,268 200,000 -
433,268 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 233,268 200,000 -
433,268 Stock Island Fire Station Repairs 20,000 20,000 -
20,000 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 20,000 -
20,000 Marathon Annex Spalling 150,200 5,600 144,600 -
144,600 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 144,600 -
144,600 MCSO Admin Window Replacement 230,000 230,000 -
230,000 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 230,000 -
230,000 Energy Retrofit 81,000 81,000 -
81,000 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 81,000 -
81,000 Stock Island Jail Replace Security Fencing 220,000 220,000 -
220,000 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 220,000 220,000 KL Park Duplex Spalling 115,183 35,953 79,230 -
79,230 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 79,230 -
79,230 VOIP Telephone System 880,000 880,000 -
880,000 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 880,000 -
880,000 Trapeze Software 50,000 50,000 -
50,000 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 50,000 -
50,000 Marathon Government Center New Roof 190,000 190,000 -
190,000 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 190,000 -
190,000 Facilities Maintenance CIPP Lining Roof Leaders 400,000 -
400,000 -
400,000 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax -
400,000 -
400,000 MCDC HVAC 2,466,549 2,466,549 -
2,466,549 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 1,466,549 -
1,466,549 308 - 2007 Revenue Bond 1,000,000 Correction Facilities 280,766 280,766 -
280,766 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 280,766 -
280,766 SPCA 750,000 750,000 -
750,000 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 750,000 -
750,000 Various Public Works Projects 600,000 600,000 -
600,000 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 600,000 -
600,000 -
Total-General Government Function 11,927,787 419,330 7,945,533 3,543,982 -
11,489,515 Public Safety Function Projects MCDC Sprinkler Piping Replacement 233,261 35,615 47,127 -
47,127 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 47,127 -
47,127 MCDC Control System Update 255,000 -
255,000 -
255,000 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 255,000 -
255,000 Key Largo Fire Vehicle & Hydrants 997,025 247,025 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 Summerland Key Fire Station 4,284,545 499,545 3,785,000 -
3,785,000 Revenues 314 - 2014 Series Revenue Bonds 3,785,000 -
3,785,000 Fire Training Academy-Crawl Key 2,094,021 1,092,120 1,001,901 -
1,001,901 Revenues 314 - 2014 Series Revenue Bonds 1,001,901 -
1,001,901 Habitat for Humanity 21,863 19,163 2,700 -
2,700 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 2,700 -
2,700 Bernstein Park 5,323,356 22,961 1,143,118 -
1,143,118 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 1,143,118 -
1,143,118 Sugarloaf Fire Station 3,500,000 500,000 3,000,000 -
3,500,000 Revenues 314 - 2014 Series Revenue Bonds 500,000 3,000,000 -
3,500,000 MCDC Sprinkler Replacement 82,743 35,615 47,127 -
47,127 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 47,127 -
47,127 Trapeze Software 50,000 50,000 -
50,000 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 50,000 -
50,000 Fire Hydrants - Key Largo 997,025 247,025 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 Total-Public Safety Function 17,838,839 2,199,069 6,631,973 800,000 3,300,000 300,000 300,000 11,331,973 Physical Environment Function Projects Canal Master Plan 8,983,342 4,707,938 2,275,404 2,000,000 -
4,275,404 Revenues 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 2,275,404 2,000,000 -
4,275,404 Total-Physical Environment Function 8,983,342 4,707,938 2,275,404 2,000,000 -
4,275,404 Economic Environment Function Projects Gulf Seafood Land Acquisition 7,000,000 7,000,000 -
7,000,000 Revenues 125 - State Grants 2,000,000 -
2,000,000 304 - Infrastructure Sales Surtax 5,000,000 Total-Economic Environment Function 7,000,000 -
7,000,000 -
7,000,000 Marathon Library 5,862,258 188,055 2,002,000 -
3,672,203 -
5,674,203 Revenues 314 - 2014 Series Revenue Bonds 2,002,000 -
3,672,203 -
5,674,203 T otal Culture & Recreation Function 5,862,258 188,055 2,002,000 -
3,672,203 -
5,674,203 Court Related Function Projects PK Courthouse & Jail 26,494,638 553,814 6,338,092 19,562,340 -
25,900,432 Revenues 314 - 2014 Series Revenue Bonds 6,338,092 19,562,340 -
25,900,432 Total Court Related Function 26,494,638 553,814 6,338,092 -
19,562,340 -
25,900,432 -
Total 78,106,864 8,068,206 32,193,002 6,343,982 26,534,543 300,000 300,000 65,671,527
( Ord. No. 002-2017 , § 1(Exh. A), 4-12-2017)