Objective 106.1

Latest version.
  • Monroe County shall adjust the tier boundaries and implement the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study, utilizing updated habitat data and recommendations of the Tier Designation Review Committee (TDRC) Work Group. [Note: As amended by Final Order DCA07-GM166, parcels included in the challenge with Tier I and Tier IIIA (SPA) boundaries have been adjusted to reflect the amended Tier Criteria resulting from the DOAH Case 06-2449(GM)].

    Policy 106.1.1

    Monroe County shall update habitat data and the Land Development Code Tier (Zoning) Overlay District Maps to coincide with the State comprehensive plan evaluation and appraisal schedule (May 1, 2021).

    Policy 106.1.2

    Monroe County shall establish a Tier Designation Review Committee (TDRC) Work Group to consist of representatives selected by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) from Monroe County, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, United States Fish & Wildlife Service, Department of Environmental Protection and environmental and other relevant interests. The TDRC shall be tasked with the responsibility of tier designation review utilizing the criteria for tier placement and best available data to recommend amendments to ensure implementation of and adherence to the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study. These proposed Land Development Code Tier (Zoning) Overlay District Map amendments shall coincide with the State comprehensive plan evaluation and appraisal schedule (May 1, 2021). Each comprehensive plan evaluation and appraisal submitted shall also include an analysis and recommendations based upon the TDRC review process.

    Policy 106.1.3

    Prior to Monroe County processing updates to the Land Development Code Tier (Zoning) Overlay District Map, the County shall evaluate the listed threatened and endangered species (as of 2021) and the criteria included in Policy 205.1.1 to determine if amendments are required to further protect and enhance native upland vegetation. Any Tier (Zoning) Overlay District Map amendment completed prior to May 1, 2021 shall be processed according to state law and the Land Development Code.