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  • This section specifically stipulates procedures for implementing the required procedures for monitoring, updating and evaluating the Comprehensive Plan (the Plan) every seven (7) years pursuant to §163.3191, F.S. An explanation of these implementation programs follows:


    In order to effectively monitor implementation of the plan and to maintain the plan as an effective and pertinent planning tool, the supporting inventories and analyses will need to be updated. Dependent upon the application of the data, updating may be continuous, annual, or at less frequent intervals.

    Responsibilities for Monitoring and Evaluating the Comprehensive Plan

    The Planning & Environmental Resources Department will be responsible for preparing the evaluation and appraisal report of the Plan. The Planning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency (LPA), shall formally review and recommend the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) to the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). The BOCC, as the elected body, will approve and adopt the EAR and any EAR-based plan amendments.

    The Planning Commission, as the designated LPA pursuant to [Section] 163.3174, F.S., will monitor and oversee the effectiveness and status of the Plan and recommend to the BOCC such changes in the Plan as may from time to time be required.

    Evaluation and Appraisal Report

    Evaluation and appraisal reports are required pursuant to Chapter 163.3191, Florida Statutes, and must be completed by the County every seven (7) years in order to assess if plan amendments are necessary to reflect changes to Chapter 163, Part II, since the last update of the Plan, and notify the state land planning agency as to its determination. The statute also encourages each jurisdiction to "...comprehensively evaluate and, as necessary, update comprehensive plans to reflect changes in local conditions."

    The EAR must be prepared and adopted following similar procedures as for adoption of the Plan, as provided in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes.

    Growth Management Concurrency Management Report

    The Planning & Environmental Resources Department will produce a public facilities capacity assessment report. This report will evaluate Transportation Facilities, Potable Water, Sanitary Sewer Facilities, Solid Waste Facilities and Parks and Recreation Facilities. The assessment shall be based on standard analytical methodologies and include a projection of the amount of residential and non-residential growth that can be accommodated in each of the service areas (Upper, Middle, and Lower Keys) without exceeding safe and efficient provision of essential public services.

    Capital Improvements Element Update

    In addition to completion of an assessment report, the Capital Improvements Element (CIE) must be reviewed in coordination with the County's annual budget process. This Element identifies the need for public facilities, Level of Service standards, cost of facilities, revenue sources, and a schedule for the funding and construction of improvements for a five (5) year period. The annual evaluation will review capital improvement priorities, costs, revenue concerns and implementation schedules, as determined within the support data and the County's Capital Improvements Program.