§ 114-105. Landscaping materials.
All required landscaping materials shall be of the types and minimum sizes set forth in this section. Canopy trees shall be a minimum of twelve (12) feet in overall height or a minimum tree caliper dimension of three (3) inches (measured at six (6) inches above grade) at the time of installation.. Understory trees shall be a minimum of five (5) feet in height. Shrubs shall be a minimum of two (2) feet in height at the time of installation.
C = Canopy
U = Understory
S = Shrub
P = Palm
G = Ground cover
V = Vine
ST = Street tree
SA = Salt tolerant
T = Threatened (Florida)
E = Endangered (Florida)
RI = Regionally Important
Native Planting List*
NATIVE PLANTING LIST* Common Name Latin Name Type Status** Bahama Cassia Cassia chapmanii S T Bahia Honda Andira Andira inermis C, ST Bahia Honda Lime Zanthoxylum flavum U, ST E Bay Cedar Suriana maritima S, SA RI Beautyberry Callicarpa americana S Black Ironwood Krugiodendron ferreum C, U, ST RI Blackbead Pithecellobium keyense U, S T Blacktorch Erithalis fruticosa S T Blolly Guapira discolor U, S, ST, SA Buccaneer Palm Pseudophoenix sargentii C, U, P E Buttonwood, Silver Buttonwood Conocarpus erectus C, U, S, ST, SA Cabbage Palm Sabal palmetto C, U, P, SA Cat's Claw Pithecellobium unguis-cati U, S Christmas Berry Lycium carolinianum S, G, SA RI Cinnamonbark Canella winterana U, S E Coffee Colubrina Ceanothus arborescens C, U, ST E Coontie Zamia Integrifolia S, G Crabwood Ateramnus lucidus U, ST RI Cuba Colubrina Colubrina cubensis U E Cupania Cupania glabra U E Darling Plum Reynosia septentrionalis U T Everglades Velvetseed Guettarda elliptica U, ST RI Fiddlewood Citharexylum spinosum U RI Firebush Hamelia patens var. patens S Florida Forestiera, Florida Swampprivet Forestiera segregata S RI Florida Thatch Palm Thrinax radiata U, S, P E Florida Trema Trema micranthum U, S RI Geiger Tree Cordia sebestena C, U, ST RI Gumbo Limbo Bursera simaruba C Inkberry Scaevola plumieri U, S, SA T Inkwood Exothea paniculata C, ST RI Jamaica Caper Capparis cynophallophora S Jamaica Dogwood Piscidia piscipula C, ST Joewood Jacquinia keyensis U, S, SA T Keys Thatch Palm Thrinax morrisii U, S, P T Lancewood, Jamaica Nectandra Nectandra coriacea C, U, ST RI Lignum Vitae Guaiacum sanctum U, S, ST E Limber Caper Capparis flexuosa U Locustberry Brysonima lucida S T Mahogany Swietenia mahagoni C, ST T Maidenbush Savia bahamensis S E Marlberry Ardisia escallonioides U, S Mastic Mastichodendron foetidissimum C, ST RI Mayten Maytenus phyllanthoides S, SA T Milkbark Drypetes diversifolia C, U, ST E Myrsine Myrsine Floridana U, S Paradise Tree Simarouba glauca C, ST RI Pearlberry Vallesia antillana G E Pigeon Plum Coccoloba diversifolia C, ST Pisonia Pisonia rotundata U, S E Pitch Apple, Autograph Tree Clusia rosea C, ST Poisonwood Metopium toxiferum C, ST Pondapple Annona glabra U Potato Tree Solanum erianthum U, S Prickly Apple Cactus Harrisia fragrans S E Princewood Exostema caribaeum C, U, ST E Randia, White Indigoberry Randia aculeata S Red Stopper Eugenia rhombea S E Redbay Persea borbonia C RI Redberry Stopper Eugenia confusa S E Rhacoma Crossopetalum rhacoma U, S T Saffron Plum Bumelia celastrina U Saltbush Baccharis halimifolia C, SA Satinleaf Chrysophyllum oliviforme C, U, ST T Saw Palmetto Serenoa repens S, P Sea Lavendar Tournefortia gnaphalodes S E Seagrape Coccoloba uvifera C, S, ST, SA Seven-Year Apple Genipaclusiifolia U RI Shortleaf Fig Ficus citrifolia C Silver Palm Coccothrinax argentata U, S, P T Slash Pine Pinus elliottii var. densa C RI Snowberry Chiococca alba S, G Soapberry Sapindus saponaria U RI Spanish Bayonet Yucca aloifolia S Spanish Stopper Eugenia foetida U, S Spicewood, Pale Lidflower Calyptranthes pallens U, S RI Strangler Fig Ficus aurea C Strongback Bourreria ovata U E Sweet Acacia Acacia farnesiana U, S RI Tallowwood, Hog Plum Ximenia americana U Torchwood Amyris elemifera U RI Wax-Myrtle Myrica cerifera U, S West Indian Cherry Prunus myrtifolia U T West Indian Lilac Tetrazygia bicolor T West Indies Trema Trema lamarckiana S E White Ironwood Hypelate trifoliata U, ST E White Stopper Eugenia axillaris U, ST Bahama Wild Coffee Psychotria ligustrifolia S E Wild Coffee Psychotria nervosa S Wild Dilly Manilkara bahamensis U T Wild Lantana Lantana involucrata S Wild Lime Zanthoxylum fagara S RI Wild Tamarind, Lysiloma Lysiloma latisiliquum C, ST Willow Bustic Dipholis salicifolia C, U, ST *The list is to be used as a representative sampling, and by no means a complete inventory of the species that are native to South Florida or the Florida Keys. For a determination of what constitutes a native plant, contact the County Biologist.
**This list is to be used as a representative sampling, and by no means a complete inventory of threatened, endangered, or regionally important species. Any species listed as threatened, endangered, or regionally important under the provisions of the federal Endangered Species Act, and/or Florida Statutes, and/or the Florida Endangered and Threatened Special Act shall be considered as such.
Swale Planting List.* The following native plants may be used in the swale for stormwater management, with consideration given to stormwater management volume.
SWALE PLANTING LIST* Common Name Latin Name Type Bahama wild coffee Psychotria ligustrifolia S Bay cedar Suriana maritime S Beach creeper, Coughbush Ernodea littoralis S Blue morning glory Ipomea indica V Cocoplum Chrysobalanus icaco S Darlingplum Reynosia septentrionalis U Dune sunflower Helianthus debilis G Elliott's lovegrass Eragrostis elliottii G Firebush Hamelia patens var. patens S Florida Keys blackbead Pithecellobium keyense U Florida mayten Maytenus phyllanthoides S Florida thatch palm Thrinax radiata U, S, P Grape Vitus spp. V Joewood Jacquinia keyensis U, S Moonflower Ipomea alba V Myrsine Myrsine cubana U, S Pineland heliotrope Heliotropium polyphyllum G Randia, White indigoberry Randia aculeate S Saltmeadow cordgrass Spartina patens G Spider lily Hymenocallis latifolia G Wax-myrtle Myrica cerifera U, S Wild coffee Psychotria nervosa S *The list is to be used as a representative sampling, and by no means a complete inventory of the species that are native to South Florida or the Florida Keys. For a determination of what constitutes a native plant, or potential sight line conflicts, contact the County Biologist.
( Ord. No. 006-2016 , § 1(Exh. 1), 4-13-2016)