§ 118-2. Existing Conditions Report.  

Latest version.
  • As part of an application for approval on lands containing wetlands or upland native vegetation communities, the applicant shall prepare and submit an existing conditions report, including a survey that identifies the distribution and quality of native habitats and any endangered/threatened or protected species that are known to utilize the available habitats on the site and/or are observed within the parcel or lot proposed to be developed in accordance with the standards of this chapter. The existing conditions report shall be prepared by a biologist qualified under Section 102-25 in a form approved by the Planning Director and contain, at a minimum, the following:


    Cover page. The cover page shall contain the following:


    Legal description of parcel, including the real estate number;


    Property owner's name and address;


    Date of report and site visits;


    Affidavit from the property owner authorizing Monroe County staff to access the property for purposes of verifying the information contained in the Existing Conditions Report;


    Consultant's name, agency and contact information; and


    Consultant's signature.


    Summary. A general description of the site, including discussion of habitat type(s), important features, and presence and location of any disturbed areas.


    Plant species list. A list of species found in the survey, and those proposed for removal (if applicable), provided in a matrix of the following five columns:


    Common Name;


    Scientific Name;


    Status—Indicate species' status as TH: Threatened; END: Endangered; RI: Regionally Important; SSC: Species of Special Concern; N: Non-listed Native; EX: Exotic; INV: Invasive Exotic; or other status;


    Number and Size:


    For those species listed as TH/END/RI/SSC, indicate the number of plants on the site and their sizes;


    For those species named in this Section as reaching reproductive maturity at less than four (4) inches in diameter at breast height (DBH), estimate the total number of plants on the site regardless of size;


    For all native species, estimate the total number of plants on the site, and the number with a DBH of 4 inches or greater.


    Number and Size to Be Removed (if applicable):


    For those species listed as TH/END/RI, indicate the number of plants to be removed and the size of each plant;


    For those species named in this Section as reaching reproductive maturity at less than four (4) inches in DBH, indicate the total number of plants to be removed regardless of size;


    For all native species, indicate the number of plants to be removed with a DBH of four (4) inches or greater.

    Common Native Species Reaching Reproductive Maturity

    at Less Than Four (4) inches DBH
    Beautyberry Callicarpa americana
    Cockspur Pisonia aculeata
    Cocoplum Chrysobalanus icaco
    Dahoon holly Ilex cassine
    False willow Baccharis angustifolia
    Green buttonwood Conocarpus erectus
    Jamaica caper Capparis cynophallophora
    Limber caper Capparis flexuosa
    Marlberry Ardisia escallonioides
    Myrsine Myrsine floridana (cubana)
    Randia Randia aculeata
    Saltbush Baccharis halimifolia
    Saw palmetto Serenoa repens
    Silver buttonwood Conocarpus erectus var. sericeus
    Snowberry Chiococca alba
    Snowberry Chiococca pinetorum
    Spanish stopper Eugenia foetida
    Tallowood Ximenia americana
    Wax myrtle Myrica cerifera
    White stopper Eugenia axillaris
    Wild coffee Psychotria nervosa



    Animal species list. A list of the endangered, threatened, or otherwise protected animal species observed during the site survey. This Section shall also include a list of protected species that may not have been actually observed, but may use the site for foraging, roosting, breeding, or nesting. In addition, if the proposed development is within the Species Focus Area for the Key Largo cotton mouse, the Key Largo woodrat, the silver rice rat, or the Stock Island tree snail, surveys for these species may be required in accordance with Chapter 122-8.


    Site plan. A site plan at a scale of one inch equals 20 feet or greater showing the location of the following:


    All listed threatened and endangered native plant species; species of special concern; and regionally important native plant species;


    All native plant species that reach reproductive maturity at less than four inches DBH, as named in this Section;


    All other native plant species with a DBH of four inches or greater;


    The extent of wetlands;


    Areas of disturbance and exotic species; and


    Proposed boundary of area(s) to be cleared and location of species to be removed (if applicable), including, but not limited to, building footprint, construction impact zone as defined in Section 101-1, installation of buried utilities, driveways and walkways.

( Ord. No. 006-2016 , § 1(Exh. 1), 4-13-2016)