§ 130-27. Purpose of the Airport District (AD).
The purpose of the AD district is to facilitate the operations of airports and their compatible uses and to prohibit the development of residential uses (excluding temporary non-emergency housing), educational uses (including but not limited to pre-K through high schools) and/or other uses that are characterized by the regular presence of large numbers of people, within the hazard areas of civil and military airports. The AD district provides classifications of property for existing or future airports and regulates both uses within the boundaries of public and private airports, and uses around, adjacent, and in the approach zones of public and private airports in order to:
Establish the control of obstructions and construction of structures affecting navigable airspace in accordance with criteria delineated in volume XI, part 77 in federal aviation regulations, Florida Department of Transportation regulations, and this LDC;
Protect airports against encroachment, to implement appropriate noise abatement strategies, and to regulate development and reduce public exposure of community activities that are not compatible with airport operations; and
Control uses within the public and private airport property boundaries.
( Ord. No. 006-2016 , § 1(Exh. 1), 4-13-2016)