§ 130-92. Recreational Vehicle District (RV).  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The following uses are permitted as of right in the recreational vehicle district:


    Recreational vehicle parks. RV spaces are intended for use by traveling recreational vehicles. RV spaces may be leased, rented or occupied by a specific, individual recreational vehicle, for a term of less than 28 days, but placement of a specific, individual recreational vehicle (regardless of vehicle type or size) within a particular RV park for occupancies or tenancies of six months or more is prohibited. Recreational vehicles may be stored, but not occupied, for periods of six months or greater only in an approved RV storage area (designated on a site plan approved by the director of planning) or in another appropriate district that allows storage of recreational vehicles. RV storage areas must meet all land development regulations, floodplain management regulations and building code requirements for storage of recreational vehicles;


    Commercial retail, restaurant uses, or any combination thereof, of less than 2,500 square feet of floor area;


    Accessory uses;


    Commercial apartments. However, there shall be no more than one commercial apartment unit per three (3) RV spaces up to ten percent (10%) of total spaces allowed or in existence;


    Vacation rental use of nonconforming detached and attached dwelling units constructed prior to February 16, 2011, if a special vacation rental permit is obtained where necessary under the regulations established in section 134-1;


    Replacement of an existing antenna-supporting structure pursuant to section 146-5(b);


    Collocations on existing antenna-supporting structures, pursuant to section 146-5(c) "Collocations on existing supporting structure"; and


    Satellite earth stations less than two meters in diameter, as accessory uses, pursuant to section 146-5(f) "Satellite earth stations."


    The following uses are permitted as minor conditional uses in the recreational vehicle district, subject to the standards and procedures set forth in chapter 110, article III:


    Hotels providing less than 50 rooms, provided that one or more of the following amenities are available to guests:


    Swimming pool; or


    Docking facilities; or


    Tennis court.


    Attached or detached seasonal residential units, provided that:


    All units within the RV land use district shall be subject to the terms and conditions of a Development Agreement as defined in sections 110-132, 110-133 and further defined below.


    The units meet all land development regulations, floodplain management regulations, building code, and life safety requirements for the development of transient structures;


    The development of seasonal residential units shall occur only in gated RV parks with a managing entity responsible for evacuation.


    The proposed site is subject to an approved development agreement with Monroe County detailing at a minimum:


    All proposed transitional recreational vehicle units;


    A proposed site plan;


    A design strategy demonstrating separation of transient unit types on the property for life safety as well as design that is consistent with community character, and any applicable Monroe County design guidelines;


    A statement of commitment for the park to adhere to transient evacuation regulations;


    A phasing plan, as appropriate, detailing timelines for project completion;


    Access to U.S. 1 is by way of:


    An existing curb cut;


    A signalized intersection; or


    A curb cut that is separated from any other curb cut on the same side of U.S. 1 by at least 400 feet.




    Attached wireless communications facilities, as accessory uses, pursuant to section 146-5(d) "Attached wireless communications facilities;"


    Stealth wireless communications facilities, as accessory uses, pursuant to section 146-5(e) "Stealth wireless communications facilities;" and


    Satellite earth stations greater than or equal to two (2) meters in diameter, as accessory uses, pursuant to section 146-5(f) "Satellite earth stations."


    The following uses are permitted as major conditional uses in the recreational vehicle district, subject to the standards and procedures set forth in chapter 110, article III:


    Hotels providing 50 or more rooms, provided that:


    The hotel has restaurant facilities on the premises;


    One or more of the following amenities are available to guests:


    Swimming pool; or


    Docking facilities; or


    Tennis courts; and


    Access to U.S. 1 is by way of:


    An existing curb cut;


    A signalized intersection;


    A curb cut that is separated from any other curb cut on the same side of U.S. 1 by at least 400 feet.


    Marinas, provided that:


    The parcel proposed for development has access to water at least four feet below mean seas-level at mean low tide;


    The sale of goods and services is limited to fuel, food, boating, diving and sport fishing products;


    Vessels docked or stored shall not be used for live-aboard purposes;


    All outside storage areas are screened from adjacent uses by a solid fence, wall or hedge at least six feet in height; and


    The parcel proposed for development is separated from any established residential use by a class C buffer-yard.


    Wastewater treatment facility and wastewater treatment collection systems(s) serving (a) use(s) located in any land use district provided that:


    The wastewater treatment facility and wastewater treatment collection system(s) is (are) in compliance with all federal, state, and local requirements; and


    The wastewater treatment facility, wastewater treatment collection system(s) and accessory uses shall be screened by structures(s) designed to be architecturally consistent with the character of the surrounding community and minimize the impact of any outdoor storage, temporary or permanent; and


    In addition to any district boundary buffers set forth in chapter 114, article V a planting bed, eight feet in width, to be measured perpendicular to the exterior of the screening structure shall be established with the following:


    One native canopy tree for every 25 linear feet of screening structure and one understory tree for every ten linear feet of screening structure; and


    The required trees shall be evenly distributed throughout the planting bed; and


    The planting bed shall be installed as set forth in chapter 114, article IV; and


    A solid fence may be required upon determination by the planning director.

( Ord. No. 006-2016 , § 1(Exh. 1), 4-13-2016)