§ 138-19. Residential Rate of Growth Ordinance (ROGO).  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Allocation period means a defined period of time within which applications for the residential ROGO allocation will be accepted and processed.

    Annual allocation period means the 12-month period beginning on July 13, 1992, (the effective date of the original dwelling unit allocation ordinance), and subsequent one-year periods.

    Annual residential ROGO allocation means the maximum number of dwelling units for which building permits may be issued during an annual allocation period.

    Buildable lot or parcel , for the purposes of this chapter, means a lot or parcel which must contain a minimum of 2,000 square feet of upland, including any disturbed wetlands that can be filled.

    Controlling date means the date and time a ROGO application is submitted. This date shall be used to determine the annual anniversary date for receipt of a perseverance point and shall determine precedence when ROGO applications receive identical ranking scores. A new controlling date shall be established based upon the resubmittal date and time of any withdrawn or revised application, except pursuant to Section 138-25(h).

    Lawfully established for ROGO/NROGO exemption means a dwelling unit or nonresidential floor area that has received a permit or other official approval from the division of growth management for the unit and/or nonresidential floor area.

    Quarterly allocation period means the three-month period beginning on July 13, 1992, or such other date as the board may specify, and successive three-month periods.

    Quarterly residential ROGO allocation means the maximum number of residential dwelling units for which building permits may be issued in a quarterly allocation period.

    Residential dwelling unit (dwelling unit) means a dwelling unit as defined in Section 101-1, and expressly includes the following other terms also specifically defined in Section 101-1: rooms, hotel or motel; campground spaces; mobile homes; transient units; and institutional residential units (except hospital rooms).

    Residential ROGO allocation means the maximum number of dwelling units for which building permits may be issued in a given time period.

    Residential ROGO allocation award means the approval of a residential ROGO application for the issuance of a building permit.

    ROGO application means the residential ROGO application submitted by applicants seeking allocation awards.


    Purpose and intent. The purposes and intent of residential ROGO are:


    To facilitate implementation of goals, objectives and policies set forth in the comprehensive plan relating to protection of residents, visitors and property in the county from natural disasters, specifically including hurricanes;


    To limit the annual amount and rate of residential development commensurate with the county's ability to maintain a reasonable and safe hurricane evacuation clearance time;


    To regulate the rate and location of growth in order to further deter deterioration of public facility service levels, environmental degradation and potential land use conflicts;


    To allocate the limited number of dwelling units available annually hereunder, based upon the goals, objectives and policies set forth in the comprehensive plan; and


    To implement goal 105 of the comprehensive plan.

( Ord. No. 006-2016 , § 1(Exh. 1), 4-13-2016)