§ 142-4. Signs Requiring a Permit and Specific Standards.  

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  • Upon application for, and issuance of a building permit, except as indicated, the following signs shall be allowed. In order for a sign application to be approved, the applicant must grant access to the property for inspection purposes, for the life of the sign.


    Special signs.


    Promotional signs.


    Promotional signs not exceeding 32 square feet. Promotional signs not exceeding 32 square feet per face shall not require a permit, provided that such signs are:


    Not illuminated;


    Not located in a clear sight triangle;


    Limited to two promotional signs on the premises of the event;


    Posted no earlier than 15 days before the event and are removed within five days after the event; and


    Limited to two off-premises promotional signs erected no more than 24 hours prior to the event and removed no later than 24 hours after the conclusion of the event, provided that permission of the property owner of which the off premise promotional sign is erected is granted.


    Promotional signs exceeding 32 square feet. Promotional signs exceeding 32 square feet in area per face shall be allowed in any Land Use (Zoning) District by issuance of a single building permit, provided that the promotional signs:


    Are erected no earlier than 30 days prior to a proposed event and are removed within five days after such event;


    Do not exceed 128 square feet; and


    Are located on the premises of the event.


    Real estate signs.


    Real estate signs not exceeding six square feet. One real estate sign not exceeding six square feet per face including riders, per property shall not require a permit, provided the sign is:


    Not illuminated; and


    Ground-mounted signs shall not exceed eight feet in height.


    Real estate signs exceeding six square feet. Real estate signs exceeding six square feet per face shall require a permit and shall be subject to the following restrictions:


    Multiple-family structures, nonresidential buildings and vacant land shall be allowed one non-illuminated wall-mounted or ground-mounted sign, not exceeding 32 square feet in area, per each street frontage. Such ground-mounted signs shall not exceed eight feet in height.


    Any property of ten acres or more in size, regardless of the limitations set forth in subsection (a)(2)b.1. of this section, shall be allowed non-illuminated ground-mounted or wall-mounted signs as follows: One sign not exceeding 32 square feet may be erected for every 400 linear feet of frontage on any one street. Such ground-mounted signs shall not exceed eight feet in height.


    Hospitals or other emergency facilities. In addition to any other signage allowed under this chapter, hospitals or other emergency medical facilities, excluding individual medical offices, shall be allowed one additional illuminated ground-mounted or wall-mounted sign not exceeding 32 square feet per face to identify each emergency entrance.


    Bench signs. Bench signs shall be allowed, upon approval of the BOCC, at any designated bus stops subject to the following limitations:


    Benches in residential areas shall not have signs, except a bench donor sign containing the donor's logo or symbol, not exceeding two inches by 16 inches in size;


    Benches in commercial areas shall be allowed to have signs on the back rest not to exceed a total of six square feet; and


    Bench signs shall be limited to one per designated bus stop.


    Signs in residential areas and areas of low intensity. Signs in residential areas and areas of low intensity (CD, CFV, IS, MN, NA, OS, PR, SS, SR, SR-L, UR, URM, URM-L) shall be restricted as follows:


    Commercial and other nonresidential uses. Commercial and other nonresidential uses within the land use (zoning) districts, CD, CFV, IS, MN, NA, OS, PR, SS, SR, SR-L, UR, URM, URM-L, which are adjacent to U.S. 1 shall be regulated pursuant to subsection (c) of this section. Unless otherwise provided for in this chapter, all other commercial and nonresidential uses in these land use (zoning) districts shall be allowed one ground-mounted sign and wall-mounted signage which shall be limited as follows:


    The ground-mounted sign shall be limited to 32 square feet in area per face and eight feet in height; and


    Wall-mounted signage shall be limited to a total of 32 square feet.


    Residential subdivision or condominium sign.


    One permanent, wall-mounted or ground-mounted sign, for identification purposes only, giving only the name of the subdivision, or residential development, may be granted a permit at each main entrance into such subdivision or development from each abutting street.


    The following limitations shall apply:


    The subdivision or development shall have a homeowner's association or similar entity that will be responsible for permits and maintenance of the signs;


    The face of each sign shall not exceed 32 square feet;


    The maximum permitted height shall be eight feet; and


    The sign may incorporate, or be incorporated into, accessory entrance structural features such as a project wall or landscaping.


    Institutional uses and private parks. Institutional uses, private parks and similar uses shall be allowed one ground-mounted sign and wall-mounted signage that shall be limited as follows:


    The ground-mounted sign shall be limited to 32 square feet in area per face (a maximum of 64 square feet for all faces) and eight feet in height;


    Wall-mounted signage shall be limited to a total of 32 square feet; and


    An additional 16 square feet in area per face may be added to the ground-mounted sign for the exclusive use of a changeable copy sign.


    Electronic message centers and automatic changing signs. Electronic message centers and automatic changing signs shall be prohibited in residential areas and areas of low intensity (CD, CFV, IS, MN, NA, OS, PR, SS, SR, SR-L, UR, URM, URM-L).


    Signs in commercial/nonresidential areas. Sign allowances in commercial and other nonresidential areas (AD, C1, C2, CFA, CFSD, DR, I, MF, MI, MU, RV, SC, UC) shall be calculated based on the amount of property frontage and business frontage as follows:


    Ground-mounted single-tenant/occupant signs. Every developed parcel of land with a commercial or other nonresidential use shall be allowed the following ground-mounted signage:


    One illuminated or non-illuminated, ground-mounted sign of a height not more than 24 feet shall be allowed for each frontage as indicated in the following table:

    Permitted Size of Nonresidential Signs per Property Frontage
    Street Frontage
    (linear feet)
    Maximum Area
    Per Face
    (square feet)
    Total Face Area
    (square feet)
    Frontage on U.S. 1 or a frontage road adjacent to U.S. 1:
    1 ft. to 150 ft. 75 sq. ft. 150 sq. ft.
    151 ft. to 300 ft 100 sq. ft. 200 sq. ft.
    Over 301 ft. or more 200 sq. ft. 400 sq. ft.
    Frontage on county roads, shorelines or runways:
    1 ft. to 150 ft. 40 sq. ft. 80 sq. ft.
    151 ft. to 300 ft. 60 sq. ft. 120 sq. ft.
    Over 301 ft. or more 80 sq. ft. 160 sq. ft.



    Parcels that are on a corner of two public streets shall be allowed either:


    One ground-mounted sign for each property frontage; or


    One ground-mounted sign with exposure to both streets with up 1.5 times the maximum amount of area allowed on any one property frontage.


    Where a street or highway is divided as occurs on Key Largo, which results in a parcel of land in the median of the street or highway then the property shall be considered to have a frontage on each side.


    Service stations, convenience stores, marinas, or other facilities dispensing fuel to the public shall be allowed to add to each authorized ground-mounted sign, an additional 40 square feet or 20 square feet per face of signage for the exclusive use of a changeable copy sign for posting fuel prices.


    A school, church, day-care center or other similar use shall be allowed to add an additional 64 square feet or 32 square feet per face of signage to the ground-mounted or wall-mounted sign for the exclusive use of a changeable copy sign.


    Individual charter boats shall be allowed a ground-mounted sign at the charter boat's dock slip, provided the sign does not exceed a total of 32 square feet and there is no more than one fish replica. Signs allowed under this provision shall be exempt from shoreline setback requirements.


    Drive-through or carry-out services shall be allowed a ground-mounted sign that carries only the name of the establishment and the current list and price of goods or services available in the establishment and is not intended to be viewed from any right-of-way and provided that the sign is limited to a maximum of 40 square feet.


    Any parcel that does not have a ground-mounted sign as defined in Section 142-2 shall be allowed a single A-frame sign in place of the ground-mounted sign. Such A-frame signs shall meet all of the following standards:


    A building permit shall be required prior to the sign's erection and the building permit number shall be permanently affixed to the sign in a plainly visible manner;


    The sign shall be no greater than three (3) feet in width and no greater than four (4) feet in height, exclusive of legs that can be no more than six (6) inches in height;


    The sign shall be of A-frame-type construction, with only two sign faces that are joined at the top;


    The sign is portable and not permanently affixed to the ground;


    The sign is located on a private parcel of land and identifies a business on that same private parcel of land. The sign may not be located on a public right-of-way or walkway;


    The sign shall only identify a lawfully-established business name(s) and/or other information directly related to that business;


    The sign shall not be located in a clear sight triangle;


    The sign shall not be illuminated or electric and shall not have any electric devices attached thereto; and


    The sign shall be stored indoors during tropical storm/hurricane watches and warnings and other severe weather advisories;


    Ground-mounted multi-tenant/occupant signs. Every developed parcel of land with greater than one commercial or other nonresidential use shall be allowed additional ground-mounted signage area if granted Administrative Variance as outlined in Section 142-6.


    Wall-mounted signs.


    Signs painted or attached to the surface of awnings, parapets, mansards and similar roof and building elements shall be considered wall-mounted signs for purposes of determining compliance with the requirements of this chapter.


    Wall-mounted signs shall not extend above the facade of a building or project outward more than 24 inches from the facade or wall to which it is attached.


    Each individual business frontage shall be allowed wall-mounted signage equal in area to two square feet times the length of the individual business frontage.


    A commercial or other nonresidential building located on a corner of two public streets shall be allowed wall-mounted signage on the wall not considered to be the front (i.e., a side street) equal in area to one square foot times the length of such wall.


    The side of a commercial or other nonresidential building not on a corner of two public streets shall be allowed wall-mounted signage on the side walls equal in area to one-half square foot times the length of the side of the building.


    If the rear of a commercial or other nonresidential building faces a public street or public parking lot, a wall-mounted sign up to a maximum of eight square feet shall be allowed per individual business.


    On a multistory commercial or other nonresidential building, wall-mounted signage shall be permitted for each additional floor as outlined in subsection (c)2.c. of this section.


    Theaters, museums, auditoriums and fairgrounds and similar uses providing regular shows shall be permitted an additional 50 square feet of a changeable copy wall-mounted sign. Along the wall adjacent to the ticket windows, a theater may display, without requiring a sign permit, one poster up to 12 square feet for each movie being shown.


    Drive-through or carry-out services shall be allowed one wall-mounted sign that carries only the name of the establishment and the current list and price of goods or services available in the establishment and is not intended to be viewed from any right-of-way and provided that the sign is limited to a maximum of 40 square feet.


    Canopy signs. One sign per business entrance shall be allowed to be erected underneath, and extending downward from, a canopy along the front of a building, provided:


    The sign does not exceed eight square feet per face;


    The sign is permanently attached and does not swing;


    The sign is perpendicular to the facade of the building; and


    The sign is located above a walkway.


    Off-premises signs. Any nonresidential, lawfully-established business located on U.S. 1 shall be allowed to dedicate any portion of its allowance for one (1) ground-mounted sign to another nonresidential, lawfully-established business not located on U.S. 1. The side street intersecting U.S. 1 used to access the other nonresidential business shall be located within one-half mile of the property on U.S. 1 providing the off premises signage. Such off-premises signage shall be limited to one sign face per direction on U.S. 1. Off-premises advertising is also subject to subsections (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section and to regulations pursuant to F.S. Chapter 479.

    A permit must be obtained from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Outdoor Advertising office for any off-premises sign that is within 600 feet of the nearest edge of the U.S. 1 right-of-way and/or is visible from U.S. 1. New permits will not be issued for off-premises signs visible from a designated scenic highway (Rule 14-10(4)(c) Florida Administrative Code). The Building Department shall not issue any building permit for an off-premise sign until the applicant provides documentation from the FDOT indicating that a proposed off-premise sign is permitted by the FDOT or that a permit is not necessary from the FDOT. It is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain all federal, state and local permits for any off-premises sign.

( Ord. No. 006-2016 , § 1(Exh. 1), 4-13-2016)